Sunday, July 29, 2012

Passion Story Contest

Hey Jammers,welcome to the first Passion Contest!
As you all can tell,this contest will be a story  contest.
So,let the games begin!

Write a story about this mysterious,yet fashion like tiger.
Here's some starter question's.
Who do you think he is?
Is he one of the tiger shaman's (Graham) ancestor?
Why doesn't he smile?<lol xD

The prize will be given to the jammers with the best story!
(If you don't win,don't worry your always a winner in AJP and there are tons of contests to come to AJP!)

PRIZES for the Story Contest:

Bird Feeder,Basketball,and Globe.


  1. Actually, the tiger shaman is Sir Gilbert ^.^

    Back when Sir Gilbert wasn't a shaman, he was just Gilbert. Young Gilbert looked up to a tiger who was seen everywhere. He was strong, courageous, and polite. Gilbert longed to be like this special tiger, who was his role model.
    One day Gilbert got absorbed into a daydream, where he met the tiger.
    "my name is Cassius." the tiger stated.
    Gilbert was so awestruck he had to reply.
    Cassius then said, "I would like you to meet a good friend of mine,"
    A large grey heron flew out, and Gilbert recognized her at once. She was Mira, the sky mother.
    Mira looked so real that he realized it wasn't a dream... And Cassius and Mira were actually standing right in front of him!
    "Gilbert, you would make a great shaman. You are noble, strong and spiritual. How would you like to come to Jamaa with me ad become a shaman?" Mira asked.
    "I-I'd love to" Gilbert replied.
    And ever since he became a shaman, he was Sir Gilbert.

    The End.

    The tiger in that pic Is Cassius :)

    1. Awesome story MangoShapedSpace!
      Lol,sorry about the name mistaking,I forgot about it!-_-
      I'll wait a few more days and if no one enters,you win!
      Thanks for entering into the first Passion Contest!:D


1.Please don"t curse
2.Please be nice to jammers(@ their work)
3.No hate comments
4.Please do not give out your personal information.
(it's for your own safety)
Thanks Jammers!