Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Winner of the First Passion Contest

Hey Jammers!
Sorry for the long wait to see who was the winner of the most recent Passion Contest.
(Vacationing,but I am now back.)
So lets find out who it was!:D

The winner of the first Passion Contest is MangoShapedSpace!
Congratulations MangoShapedSpace,thank you for entering the story contest!
Your story was a fun one to read,and I hope all of us Jammers will be seeing more fun stories from you!

Note:I'll send your prizes as soon as I can!:D


  1. Thanks! ;) I love to write and the story I wrote basically came out of nowhere! :D

    1. Your welcome!:)
      I loved your story very much!:D


1.Please don"t curse
2.Please be nice to jammers(@ their work)
3.No hate comments
4.Please do not give out your personal information.
(it's for your own safety)
Thanks Jammers!